TVRA Central Championship Meet                              2024-05-17 - 7:10 PM
        2024 TVRA Track and Field Championship - 2024-05-16 to 2024-05-17        
                             Western Alumni Stadium                              
Event 1  Women 100 Meter Dash Novice
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
        TVRA: * 12.54  2023-05-17  Celeste Lugogo, Mother Teresa                 
    TVRA CEC: % 12.77  2012-05-17  Sydney Fisher, London Central                 
TVRA CEC OLD: ! 12.30  1985        Val Beckles, Wheable                          
  Tri-County: t 12.60  1987        Shelley Buchanan, East Elgin SS               
    Comp#  Name                Year School               Prelims      Semis  Wind H#
  1 # 1262 Kalaiwo, Fiona        St. Thomas Aq          13.05      13.07Q  NWI  2
  2 # 1235 Del Vasto, Vivian     St. Thomas Aq          13.09      13.21Q  NWI  1
  3 #  715 Chevalier, Georgi     Oakridge S S           13.14      13.38Q  NWI  3
  4 #   90 McConnell, Evan       Catholic Central       13.20      13.29q  NWI  1
  5 #   24 Moussa, Sophia        A.B. Lucas             13.54      13.29q  NWI  2
  6 #  869 Rutherford, Lily      Saunders S.S.          13.34      13.32q  NWI  2
  7 #  599 Morin, Zoé            Mgsr. Bruyere E S      13.34      13.37q  NWI  2
  8 # 1230 Brosnan, Addyson      St. Thomas Aq          13.27      13.51q  NWI  3
  9 #  562 Lightfoot, Carly      Medway H S             13.20      13.52   NWI  3
 10 #  550 Hawrelak, Taylor      Medway H S             13.38      13.59   NWI  1
 11 #  584 Wilkins, Presley      Medway H S             13.63      13.60   NWI  2
 12 #   76 Humble, Violet        Catholic Central       13.66      13.65   NWI  2
 13 #  647 Forcey, Addison       Mother Teresa C S S    13.69      13.80   NWI  1
 14 #  423 Reichhardt, Flori     London Central S S     13.74      13.83   NWI  1
 15 # 1017 Sam, Alessia          Sir Wilfrid Laurier    13.99      14.11   NWI  1
 16 # 1326 Kew, Echo             Strathroy D C I        13.87      14.11   NWI  1
 17 #  920 Kleinknecht, Laur     Banting, Sir           13.93      14.12   NWI  2
 18 #  387 Bello, Clementina     London Central S S     14.13      14.28   NWI  2
 19 #  903 Emel, Devyn           Banting, Sir           14.24      14.51   NWI  3
 20 #  206 Lopez Reyes, Sele     Esc Gabriel-Dumont     14.07      14.51   NWI  1
 21 #  287 Fricano, Ella         Holy Cross             14.40      14.60   NWI  3
 -- #  248 Silliker, Olivia      Glendale H S           13.41        DNS   NWI  3
 -- #  431 Townsend, Audrey      London Central S S     13.94        DNS   NWI  3
 -- #  189 Kent, Kiersten        East Elgin S S         14.06        DNS   NWI  3
 25 #   70 Gare, Alyssa          Catholic Central       14.23                    
 26 #  658 Livingston, Julia     Mother Teresa C S S    14.23                    
 27 # 1428 Taylor, Lilli         Woodstock Co           14.34                    
 28 # 1188 Streib, Lilly         St. Joseph's H S       14.43                    
 29 #  846 Evans, Lanea          Saunders S.S.          14.53                    
 30 # 1334 McKellar, Rylan       Strathroy D C I        14.54                    
 31 #  858 Lockyer, Shia         Saunders S.S.          14.58                    
 32 #  939 Memarnejadian, Ne     Banting, Sir           14.62                    
 33 # 1217 Watts, Julia          St. Mary's Hs-W        14.62                    
 34 #  682 Smedley Brown, Ma     Mother Teresa C S S    14.64                    
 35 #  330 Harmer, Emily         Huron Park S S         14.69                    
 36 #  236 McCutchen, Claire     Glendale H S           14.70                    
 37 #  224 Cordeiro, Randi       Glendale H S           14.75                    
 38 # 1078 Kate, Lambert         St. Andre Bessette     14.90                    
 39 # 1173 Musclow, Avery        St. Joseph's H S       14.98                    
 40 #  591 Daypuck, Emily        Mgsr. Bruyere E S      15.07                    
 41 #   33 Ranasinghe, Neja      A.B. Lucas             15.22                    
 42 # 1368 El Terras, Batoul     Westminster S S        15.23                    
 43 # 1164 Makoko, Ruth          St. Joseph's H S       15.26                    
 44 # 1098 Novo, Danica          St. Andre Bessette     15.32                    
 45 # 1343 Shea, Kaitlyn         Strathroy D C I        15.42                    
 46 #  157 Wright, Emma          Clarke Road S S        15.60                    
 47 #  818 Medeiros, Addisyn     Regina Mundi           15.89                    
 48 #   25 Murray, Claire        A.B. Lucas             15.90                    
 49 # 1203 Collings, Claire      St. Mary's Hs-W        16.02                    
 50 # 1198 Arthur, Ella          St. Mary's Hs-W        16.08                    
 51 #  379 Wilson, Angelina      John Paul II Css       16.11                    
 52 #  298 Pasichnyk, Ali        Holy Cross             16.44                    
 53 #  134 Ali, Sarah            Clarke Road S S        16.55                    
 54 #  264 Hebert, Sarin         H.B. Beal S S          17.28                    
 55 #  602 Veramkovich, Anna     Mgsr. Bruyere E S      17.53                    
 56 # 1373 Hourani, Nassma       Westminster S S        17.75                    
 57 #  342 Byrne, Aubrey         Ingersoll D C I        18.50                    
 -- #  626 Williams, Nahleya     Montcalm S S            DNS                     
 -- #  354 Macdonald, Elizab     Ingersoll D C I         DNS                     
 -- # 1064 Ezike, Elizabeth      St. Andre Bessette      DNS